- Draw the PCs' attention, hold it, and soak up punishment
- Aspects: High Concept, Trouble, (third)
- Skills: apex one higher than PCs', two lower, (three lower)
- Stunts: at least one that forces dealing with
- Stress: normal tracks, at least a mild slot, (moderate slot)
- Strike with devastating effect under optimal circumstances
- Aspects: High Concept, Trouble, (third)
- Skills: apex one (or two) higher than PCs', two lower, (three lower)
- Stunts: at least one with Weapon:2, (harder to spot)
- Stress: bare minimum, (mild slot)
- Focal points of set-piece battles, big personalities
- Aspects: full spread of five, closely-guarded Trouble
- Skills: apex two higher than PCs' or two at one higher; pyramid down to Fair (+2)
- Stunts: at least one memorable, up to three
- Stress: standard, mild slot, moderate slot, (severe slot)
- Fill scene, let PCs feel like badasses
- Aspects: a single encapsulating name
- Skills, per quality:
- Average: one Average (+1)
- Fair: one Fair (+2)
- Good: one Good (+3) and one Average (+1)
- Stunts: none
- Stress: one box per quality step
- Grouping:
- Every two with same skill, +1 bonus, max +4
- Arrange stress boxes together, weaker to the left
- Tick off stress from the left, removing individuals
- Deals damage to PCs
- Aspect: name, skill rating, weapon rating 1–4; e.g.:
- Great (+4) Machine-Gun Turret, Weapon:3
- Fantastic (+6) Whirling Spike Apparatus, Weapon:2
- Superb (+5) Distant Sniper, Weapon:4
- Skill rating at least at PC apex, usually a bit higher
- Can attack or CA; can't be attacked
- Passive opposition equal to their rating for overcome or CA
- Prevent PCs from doing things
- Can cause stress, but don't always
- Do not take actions, provide passive opposition
- Aspect: name and skill rating; e.g.:
- Fair (+2) Chain Link Fence
- Good (+3) Vat of Acid, Weapon:4
- Great (+4) Animate Statue, Weapon:1
- Skill rating shouldn't be much higher than PCs
- PCs roll against when interfering
- Force PCs to prioritize, put pressure on the scene
- Name: brief, punchy representation; can be (or not be) an aspect
- Choice: a simple question that codifies the decision to be made
- Repurcussion: what happens if not dealt with; can have multiple
- Opposition: passive rating to deal with it; not required
- Add urgency to an adversary: deal with it now or things will get worse
- Countdown track: mark off left to right
- Trigger: an event that marks down the countdown (can be multiple)
- Outcome: what happens when the countdown ends
- Fictional elements that alter how PCs must deal with a threat
- A fact (purely fictional) or aspect (mechanical)
- Can have a Weapon rating attached (with special Compel)
- Effectively forbid a particular course of action
- Lock: an aspect that describes the resistance
- Key: an element (aspect, extra, character, etc.) that disables the resistance