A character's Persona describes their innate nature, and grants them:
- attributes in which they have a bonus (+1) or malus (-1)
- a unique Ability that exemplifies their potential, and a related Move
- Skills available to them (work in progress, coming soon)
Choose one Persona from below, describe any Ability details, and pick one starting Skill.
The Artist
Attributes: +1 Focus, -1 Reason.
Ability: Artwork
You have a natural ability to describe reality as you experience it, using some form of art: whether in visual mediums, music or soundscapes, or performative. It comes naturally enough that the results often surprise you, hinting at deeper realities of the Other. Describe the type of art that you are known for. Gain the following Move.
Create Art
When you spend time creating a work of art, describe the piece (the subject, its aesthetics and style, etc.) and roll +Focus.
On a 10+, you craft an excellent piece with a deeper meaning beyond you. Choose two benefits.
On a 7–9, the piece stands out in an odd way. Choose a benefit.
- It's cathartic: improve a mental Condition.
- It's inspiring: worth admiration, attention, or money.
- It's intriguing: ask a mysterious question about the piece you created.
On a 6-, the piece is deeply unsettling, even haunting. Suffer a Slight mental condition.
The Boss
Attributes: +1 Presence, -1 Focus.
Ability: Minions
You command a group of Minions, willing to do your biddings and dirty work. Describe your leading position over this group, their general makeup, and the type of jobs you typically ask of them. Broadly, describe what makes them follow you and respond so readily to your direction. Gain the following Move.
When you order Minions of yours to perform an action, choose a task below and roll +Presence.
- They bring something to you.
- They complicate a situation.
- They observe something.
On a 10+, they succeed and your involvement remains unknown.
On a 7–9, they succeed, but the outcome is not what you expected.
On a 6-, they run into trouble and fail.
The Doppelgänger
Attributes: +1 Grit, -1 Focus.
Ability: Shape
You are no one and anyone: you have no physical body to call your own, but must instead always take the Form of another person. For all intents and purposes, you are indistinguishable from the original—at least in physical resemblance. Describe your initial Form and how you know the person. Gain the following Move.
When you spend time changing your Shape to someone you have two of the following requirements for, describe your transformative actions and roll +Grit.
- a tightly kept secret about them
- an intimate physical object of theirs
- prolonged time spent close to them
On a 10+, you change your Shape to perfectly match your target, becoming physically indistinguishable.
On a 7–9, choose a flaw from the transformation:
- You suffer a physical deformity, minor difference in proportion, etc.
- Your voice sounds strange, inaccurate, and/or off in some way.
- You have an especially painful shift, and suffer a Minor Condition.
On a 6-, you are unable to shift from your current form.
The Dreamer
Attributes: +1 Weird, -1 Grit.
Ability: Dreamscape
You have always experienced incredibly intense dreams: frequently lucid, often disturbing, and never without purpose. Through your experiences, you have acquired a deep mental model of your personalized Dreamscape. Describe your shaped Dreamscape, with three aspects (entities, objects, etc.) within. Gain the following Move.
Lucid Dream
When you spend time during Night or Late Night to enter your Dreamscape, choose a task and roll +Weird.
- Replace one aspect with another.
- Seek a vague answer to a question from the Other.
- Study a Clue to uncover linked details.
On a 10+, you succeed at your task, awakening refreshed.
On a 7–9, you succeed, but suffer a Minor mental Condition.
The Eccentric
Attributes: +1 Weird, -1 Presence.
Ability: Idol
You have a close, otherworldly bond with an otherwise inanimate object. You receive information from it, somehow—whether it be as emotions, sensations, voices in your head, etc. It is seemingly never lost or destroyed. Describe this Idol, its history, and your relationship with it. Gain the following Move.
Consult Idol
When you spend time communing with your Idol for a specific question that you have no other way of knowing, roll +Weird.
On a 10+, the Idol gives a clear answer.
On a 7–9, the Idol gives a vague answer.
The Enigma
Attributes: +1 Focus, -1 Presence.
Ability: Stability
You have strange powers infused into your very being that enhance your physical and mental abilities. These powers manifest as a tertiary mental state called Stability: either Stable, Neutral, or Unstable. Generally these affect your mood, reactions, and social behavior. Gain the following Move.
When you center yourself and spend time concentrating, roll +Focus.
On a 10+, choose your Stability.
On a 7–9, flip a coin; heads you're Stable, tails you're Unstable.
The Fatale
Attributes: +1 Presence, -1 Reason.
Ability: Promises
You're naturally socially gifted, and through your exploits have learned to bend people to your will, whatever that happens to be. You can make a Promise to someone in exchange for their full effort in accomplishing a task, with seemingly supernatural assurance. Gain the following Move.
Make a Promise
When you ask someone for a favor of any nature and are willing to make them a Promise, roll +Presence.
On a 10+, they agree, and you make a Promise for something relatively quick and/or simple.
On a 7–9, they only agree when you make a Promise with some constraint:
- It's personally embarrassing to you.
- It's potentially harmful to your social standing.
- It's very demanding of your time.
On a 6-, they'll agree with a demanded constraint.
The Innocent
Attributes: +1 Presence, -1 Weird.
Ability: Purity
You embody a reliable, grounded view of the mundane nature of reality, acting as an anchor for others, and are capable of identifying and resisting the Other, if necessary. This is measured as your Purity: rated Low, Medium, or High. Gain the following Move.
Morning Light
Once a day upon waking, roll +Presence.
On a 10+, choose two effects.
On a 7–9, choose one effect.
- Increase Purity.
- Reduce any one mental Condition.
- Choose a Common Move you gain Advantage on for the day.
The Investigator
Attributes: +1 Reason, -1 Grit.
Ability: Hunch
You have innate insight into tying together and uncovering truths, exemplified by your tendency to follow a Hunch. Using your intuition, this allows you to pinpoint Clues and stay aware of how details are linked. Gain the following Move.
Follow Hunch
When you anticipate a Clue tied to a subject (person, place, or thing), name them and roll +Reason.
On a 10+, a Clue is guaranteed. Describe it and gain Advantage with actions involving the subject.
On a 7–9, a Clue is likely, but it's not strong enough to double down on.
The Seer
Attributes: +1 Focus, -1 Reason.
Ability: Ritual
You have long witnessed visions and received messages from the Other, eventually being taught or developing a Ritual that allows you to strengthen this sight into the ambient fabric of reality. This can be through dreams, visions, hidden messages, etc. Describe your ritual practice and what's involved. Gain the following Move.
Perform Ritual
When you spend time to perform your Ritual, choose a task and roll +Focus.
- ask a question to a supernatural entity or force
- call forth a fragment of someone's memory or emotion
- detect nearby hidden truths or supernatural forces
On a 10+, the ritual succeeds without issue.
On a 7-0, the ritual is successful, but comes with unintended consequences.
On a 6-, the ritual is disrupted by some external force.
The Troublemaker
Attributes: +1 Grit, -1 Focus.
Ability: Chaos
You have a knack for funneling your own energy into useful outbursts, described as Chaos: rated Low, Medium, or High. You gain and spend Chaos through various methods. Generally you behave more erratically with higher Chaos. Gain the following Move.
Make Trouble
When you intentionally stir things up in one of the following ways, give specifics and roll +Grit.
- cause a disruptive scene in a public setting
- damage property in a blatantly obvious way
- incite violence amongst a group
On a 10+, increase Chaos and describe the aftermath.
On a 7–9, increase Chaos, but the situation doesn't go as planned.
On a 6-, your interjection goes wrong, and the tables are turned on you.
The Wanderer
Attributes: +1 Reason, -1 Presence.
Ability: Rift
You have become intimately aware of an inescapable pattern, a delicate math that permeates physical locations, and are capable of linking two places together using a Rift. You and aware allies can use these to traverse spaces at will. Initially, you are able to maintain a single Rift for a day. Gain the following Move.
Open Rift
When you stand at a location and concentrate fully on another locale that you've been to, describe the entry and destination points, and roll +Reason.
On a 10+, a Rift appears precisely where you conceived it.
On a 7–9, a Rift appears, but choose a consequence:
- The entry point is not where you intended.
- The destination point is not where you intended.
- You suffer a Minor Condition.
On a 6-, your concentration is broken; you suffer a consequence.