Caffeinated alien Absurd Encounters

Noir Investigations...

Strange things happen in dark places. Your task—whether official or not—is to shed light on the dark and probe the strange. Usually, what you find is terrible in some way. You are nonetheless drawn to follow tremulous trails, face eldritch entities, and uncover terrifying truths.

Through your actions in scenes, you collect Clues used to answer questions and solve mysteries. There are a number of ways to obtain and spend Clues, detailed later. Lynchian Realities

Surreal, macabre, and disconcerting. Those aforementioned dark places are dreamlike amalgamations of reality, inhabitated by the strange and off-putting. Things often don't make sense—you'd do well to remember that.

The Other is that otherworldly feeling, supernatural quality, or pervasive strangeness which is inherently indescribable, and yet unavoidable within Lynchian realities. Some characters witness the Other as a pseudophysical location or conscious being, some merely have a vague sense of its void-like existence, but most barely notice its presence at the edges of everyday life.



There are five primary Attributes, rated with a number added to relevant rolls:


Characters have five slots of persistent Conditions, physical or mental, that correspond to sources of harm rated by Severity:

If a character suffers a Condition of an already taken Severity, the Severity is increased to the first available slot. If a character cannot place a Condition in any slot, they fall unconscious.


Skills are specific benefits and special actions that a character can take to affect scenes and the story.

A Move is a Skill with a trigger and outcomes. When a Move is triggered, you'll roll two d6 and add the rating mentioned to the result. The outcomes dictate what happens based on the result.
Failing any Move roll grants you 1 XP.

Advantage and Disadvantage

In certain circumstances, you'll gain Advantage or suffer Disadvantage. In these cases, you'll instead roll three d6, and sum the highest two (for Advantage) or lowest two (for Disadvantage) dice.

Helping another character can grant them Advantage.
Advantage and Disadvantage cancel each other out.


Each character has two playbooks: an Occupation and a Persona. These determine your attribute ratings, your background, and abilities.


XP is a measure of a character's experience, pending tidbits of learning that can be spent on enhancing one's odds and improving oneself. XP can be spent at any time to:

Common Moves

All characters have the following moves.


When you act to overcome a difficult obstacle, describe your approach and roll -1.

On 10+, describe the immediate outcome.
On 7–9, you face a difficult choice.
On 6-, the obstacle prevents your action.

Connect the Dots

When you discuss theories with other characters to arrive at some truth, roll +Clues—the number of which you're incorporating into the discussion.

On 10+, your theory is airtight. Describe the inevitable conclusion.
On 7–9, you're on the right track, but identify the most problematic Clue.
On 6-, you're off base. At least one of the Clues leads to new trouble.

Read Person

When you empathize with someone or observe their demeanor, describe what subjective details you're looking for, and roll +Focus.

On 10+, you get a good sense of their emotional state, and gain subjective insights.
On 7–9, their emotions are vague or contradictory, and you only pick up on surface-level details.

Oppose Danger

When you attempt to harm a target or defend yourself physically, describe your approach and weapon (if applicable), then roll +Grit.

On 10+, you avoid harm, and deal harm equal to your weapon's damage. Describe the outcome.
On 7–9, you deal harm based on your weapon, but must choose a consequence from below.
On 6-, your action fails, and you suffer a consequence.

Convince Someone

When you speak with someone to alter their action or change their mind, roll +Presence.

On 10+, describe their reaction and what they're convinced of doing (or not doing).
On 7–9, choose a requirement for their cooperation:

Study Something

When you study a person, place, or thing for objective details, roll +Reason.

On 10+, ask a question that could be concluded about the subject.
On 7–9, ask a question, but you only receive a half-truth.
On 6-, you're given an unfortunate truth about the subject.

Time Periods

Each day is divided into six periods:

Skills that mention spending time will take up the remainder of the current time period. Certain Skills also reference or are triggered at certain periods. Skills that mention once a day effectively reset at Early Morning.

Sleeping typically takes two periods, and can otherwise lead to stress conditions if disrupted for too long.


Each session should, on average, play out over a week of in-game time.

End of Session